WallaceFan wrote
First of all, this is my first and only post in defense of myself. For
those who know me, Im a NROS Guide on the Total Entertainment Network. It
is my job to help people and guide them in the arenas. If people hate me,
it's mostly only related to my position. I know many people who call me a
sell-out, that Im a butt-kisser for TEN yadda yadda yadda. So it might be
the case, but Im helping anybody what has a problem.
Mr. Wallace, I won't flame you, since Im trying to analyse some things here.
Can you please enumerate the list of problems I do on the NROS ? I spend
most of my time helping, as it is my job. Im sure plenty of fellow NROSers
can easily say this. Im a honorable member of the ROR (Responsable Online
Racers), a member of one of the most prestigious online racing series (HGNS)
and a well known member of the community who is here to help and only to
For those who don't know me, since my accident I was working on a book
called (sorry it's in French but the translation is) "Psychology of the
society in relation with the new medias", so Im able to spent most of my day
helping as a NROS Guide. Im a information geek, and Im proud of it. Thus
reading this newsgroup for the past 4years each day. Im a learning freak
also. Im going back a second time to school for myself, learning and
learning more.
And as for those other people on the chats, if they are enough immature to
take me on the "next" level and talk behind my back, I don't really care.
They are just some other people somewhere in the world connected to the
Here there was the guy, flaming me (I don't know him) and saying stupid
things (ynerd) about myself. I only answered him in a simple good way,
refering to the r.a.s. FAQ and charter. And you flame me ? What is your
TEN screename btw ?
What is the world turning into ?
-= Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard/Nas-Frank>
-= NROS Nascar sanctioned Guide http://www.racesimcentral.net/
-= SimRacing Online http://www.racesimcentral.net/
-= Official mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
-= May the Downforce be with you...
"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."