It's certainly not ground-breaking. It's GP2 with an overhaul. Graphics
still have a GP2 feel about them, but brush up quite well at 800x600 or
above. . (note to G.Cram DROP THE OLD CODE - it's holding back the quality
of graphics...start afresh with Direct 3D Accel mode isn't
necessary anymore)
Physics is basicaly the same as GP2 - perhaps a little more catchable in a
slide - which I like! Not too difficult - none too easy neither - just
Don't like the moving steering wheel - doesn't feel right somehow - perhaps
have it's movement turn on & offable!?!
The Data-logging side is improved a little - with trace print outs being an
AWESOME addition - they look great - just like the pros use!!
Menu system improved a great deal, and the bgnd music is really very nice.
Wet weather is outstanding - no-one has ever done it that well.
Sound is pretty much the same as GP2 - perhaps the samples are a little bit
better - but fundamentally the same - disapointing...(note to G.Cram. MUST
AI - havn't toyed around enough yet - had a *** crash and they managed to
get out my way, and ran 3 abrest down into Eau Rouge, and ran out of track
without getting barged off.
The MANUAL IS CRAP...the same as the GP2 manual, which was the same as the
GP1 manual. Full of errors, most of the track maps have missing or wrongly
placed pit lanes, and the Box quotes rec. spec '..AMD Anthlon' what's an
Anthlon....athlon perhaps? No wonder Hasbro are advertising for a manual
writer on their website.
So - I'm happy - it's what I wanted, and what I expected. I do think,
however - that Hasbro & Microprose must realise that the code now needs to
be canned, and to start GP4 with a clean sheet. Retaining the old code
would be a mistake now. Software mode needs to be droped, sound imroved,
packaging dept fired.
I'm looking forward to seeing people edit this till it bleeds though -
because the scope is there (in the same way GP2 code has been retained) for
the old editing programs to be re-jigged to work for GP3 (track editor out
TOMORROW!!!) so, damnit, get me gp3jam!!!
Oh, and I've just un-installed GPL. I hadn't played it for a few weeks, and
felt no need to subject myself to the continued ritual of spin, spin, spin,
spin. Get's boring after 10 mins. GP2 still interests me 4 years later, and
the same will happen with GP3.
So there you go... Not the best game ever, certainly not a driving
simulator, but a damn good F1 game that I'll be enjoying for a while.