VROC of January 1 (this Wednesday).
The race is at 9:00 am eastern time.
Load up VROC and wait for the server to show up in the server list.
I would love to see more than six people show up for this race.
Don't forget to fill your race setup fuel tanks to the max possible
load-out so you don't run out of gas. I would also recommend
selecting a chassis that can take some punishment if you think you'll
be taking occasional cross-country excursions through the forest.
I would also use the time between now and January 1 to re-familiarize
yourself with the track through a little offline practice.
I ran an offline race today with a full tank of fuel and ran a pb of
8:30.3 on lap 2 (and then proceeded to totally hose up turn 1 at the
start of lap 3)...