TOCA 2 Starts


TOCA 2 Starts

by Tectonic » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Can anyone who has played TOCA 2 please help me with this problem?

I can do OK in all parts, except at the start.  At nearly every start all of
the other cars stream past me, and I can lose up to 10 positions!

Is the best way to hold down the accelerator and wait for the lights, or to
use my reactions and only press the pedal after the green, or something

Please help!

Colin Harri

TOCA 2 Starts

by Colin Harri » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Ah, here's the you pull away, turn the wheel quite ***ly
from side to side, thus reducing wheel spin. Seems silly, but it works every

 Go on, give it a wiggle!


Colin Harris
ColinHarris in N3/NL
Proud co-owner - CLONE N.Legends league
ICQ 25485061

Ryan Mitchle

TOCA 2 Starts

by Ryan Mitchle » Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Aha! So this is what Schumacher was trying at Imola!

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