their laurels -- that's a VERY nice addition to a two-year-old game,
and I hope they see fit to re-release the existing version in a
completely re-packaged form (FF included, D3D patch included, better
default car setups, V1.2 patch, etc.). This would help earn them some
much-deserved additional payback on GPL, and might help pave the way
for a future non-NASCAR product from them.
Now, that said, I hope you all realize that Papy did NOT give us that
D3D patch as a labor of love alone -- they most likely produced the D3D
patch for the GPL engine because it is a required part of the NASCAR 4
package that they are working on. Once they got D3D working with GPL
in-house, they then released that "unofficial" add-on for GPL in order
to get the D3D support exposed to a VERY broad cross-section of beta-
test platforms prior to the release of N4 -- meaning US, the members of
the GPL community at-large. And, like the rest of you, I have no
problem with that at all -- WE benefit, and Papy benefits, and
ultimately, N4 will benefit as well. To that I say, thanks for
including us, Papy!
Now, though, wouldn't it be VERY nice to see a D3D patch for ICR2?
THAT would be a product with a LOT of potential, actually. If Papy
could obtain either the CART or IRL license, the game could be re-
released as a very successful budget product in the $19.99 range,
similar to how Wizard Works priced Dirt Track Racing -- and I bet Papy
would have a LOT less developmental dollars tied up in a D3D conversion
to ICR2 than Ratbag had to sink into DTR.
So, come on, Papy -- let's see an updated CART or IRL product soon.
You've got the base product, you have the necessary knowledge of the
D3D API, you have the tracks and cars already designed, you have the
basic physics model in place as-is (even in its current form, ICR2 is
still a very competitive physics engine, still unequalled by many other
would-be contenders) -- so what are you waiting for?
At $49 a shot, GPL may have been too much of a niche product, but with
a $19.99 pricetag, an ICR2-based IRL or CART product would sell like
hotcakes. If profit is the bottom line, then don't pass up easy money
just because you're sitting on the NASCAR license. Besides, MGI is
waiting in the wings to steal some of N4's thunder (there will be
debates galore once both titles emerge -- mark my words), so why not
diversify now, especially when it can be done with little or no up-
front development cost on your part?
You guys have already proven that you're not just resting on your
laurels -- now prove to us you remember what you did before you got
that NASCAR license.
-- JB
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Before you buy.