Finally did a 1:06 lap at Watkins Glen....
1:06:84 to be exact, obtained during an off-line single race against
the AI. I've been hovering around the 1:07's for a while, and just
knew I had a 1:06 in me somewhere?
And the replay shows its *not* a brilliant lap by any means, so I
reckon a low 1:06 or even (FX: gulp!) a 1:05 may be on the cards.
This sim never ceases to amaze me, just when you think you can go no
faster, you surprises yourself with a good lap. With practice you
really can *feel* yourself getting into the *groove* with these cars
(as the Yanks say?) when that happens, you can feel every little
movement the car makes, and you (almost) feel at one with the car.
Man, I love this sim!!!!! (now if only I could learn the *other*
tracks as well?)
*Peter* #:-)