"...As NFS fans, who is the best person at EA/Pioneer to direct our Need For Speed wish lists,
gripes, suggestions and suggested features to?..."
The answer I got back frankly was one that I hadn't anticipated - guess I just didn't figure on
the "legal" angle.
It seems that EA (and probably most wise software companies these days) DO NOT want "game
suggestions" that don't come with a "release of ownership." Basically if they take your idea
because it's a good one or they came up with the idea themselves, they don't wanna get sued!
Now I can understand that... All things being what they are though, this presents a problem.
How do "the consumers" of the software take part in the improvement of said software?
Well I have an answer...! (I would not have written this message if I didn't... <GRIN>)
It was suggested to me that said company (can't speak for others) DOES in fact monitor the
newsgroups related to their products (i.e. for NFS REC.AUTOS.SIMULATORS) for user feedback,
complaints, compliments and suggestions. At least they do early on in the development cycle up
to the end where they don't have time to sleep, let alone follow the 'Net...
Hence our opportunity... It was also suggested to me that RIGHT NOW is the best time to be
talking about what WE want to see. I take that to mean that things are in the "early stages."
So with no promise or guarantee, I offer this suggestion:
Let's get talking about what WE want to see in any future driving sim's from EA (related to NFS
or not) and we may just get lucky...
From the desk of Doug Burg, diehard *Cowboys* fan since the 70's
"Remember: you can make $$$ or you can make excuses but you can't make BOTH"