if the multiplayer option is going to be delivered?
Note that this message board is in French, as the producers
have apparently turned their back on the rest of the world.
There is NO U.K., or other language, LeMans message board
sponsored by Infogrames. Some english speaking users have
made posts there.
As to liking LeMans:
Being a relatively *** racing sim fanatic, I can't understand
why I enjoy blasting around the tracks in the LeMans game, but
I do. I was playing it last night and realized I had been doing it
for 3 hours... hehe.
One other tip. If you feel that the steering is much too sloppy then
sudden, get the CTFJ utility at: http://www.racesimcentral.net/~stickworks/ctfj12.zip
and increase the x-axis response by 2 or 3 clicks. Doing that,
it feels pretty damned good with my TSW wheel.
Anyway, that is the info I have.
Good luck.
* rrev at mindspring dot com *