Ubisoft F1 Racing review

Jo Hels

Ubisoft F1 Racing review

by Jo Hels » Tue, 09 Sep 1997 04:00:00

>> Says who?  On my machine the setting 'Realiste' is lit, 'facile' is
>> not. This says to me that this is the 'Realistic' settings. I don't
>> know what yours says.

>I had French in school, but that was a long time ago. Anyway, the word
>'Realiste' translates to 'Realism' and the toggle reads 'Facile' which
>means 'Easy'. So the realism is set to easy and not realistic???

>Is ther nobody on this newsgroup who could stop me guessing?? I'm just
>too lazy to search for my French dictionary...

I'm sure I had more french than you in school. But it's long ago. Nevertheless:
"realiste" is 'realistic' (not 'realism'), "facile" is 'easy', as you said.

Professeur JoH

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Dave Gibbo

Ubisoft F1 Racing review

by Dave Gibbo » Tue, 09 Sep 1997 04:00:00

I think it conveyed the point tho' - realistic or realism - same
connotation. That isn't the argument.


Jo Hels

Ubisoft F1 Racing review

by Jo Hels » Sat, 13 Sep 1997 04:00:00

>>I'm sure I had more french than you in school. But it's long ago. Nevertheless:
>>"realiste" is 'realistic' (not 'realism'), "facile" is 'easy', as you said.

>I think it conveyed the point tho' - realistic or realism - same
>connotation. That isn't the argument.

Well, there IS a small difference:

'realism' sounds like an OPTION, with different possible settings. 'Realistic'
sounds like a SETTING, just like 'easy'.

Makes a difference for those who read it.

Not that it is important enough to launch a thread... :-)

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