>I have managed to get combined slip to work (at least theoretically). I got
>a bit confused with Brian's stuff and ended up using G.Genta's
>"intermediate" solution.
I just read about Brian's combined slip. Well what do you know, it
looks very familiar. In fact, it's exactly what Gregor uses (well, at
least this was the case a month or 2 ago).
In principle, you normalize the slip angle and slip ratio, based on
the max values (which are just 'D' in your average Pacejka formula,
plus the Sv or Sh, I forgot). This way, you get slip lateral and slip
longitudinal, which you can combine in a virtual slip vector.
This vector has X/Y values ranging from 0..1 and so makes up for a
nice virtualized friction circle. Then, if you get out of the circle
(sqrt(sa+sr)>1), you cut off the vector to lie exactly on the circle.
Then you take the amount of longitudinal and lateral forces by the
ratio of (the normalized) sa and sr; so Fx=...*sr, Fy=...*sa.
You can compare the virtualized friction circle (if you've done
graphics) by the normalized clip box that OpenGL for example uses;
every drawn vertex is scaled into a 1-1-1 box, so clipping becomes
much easier.
In fact, I've tried this method (thanks Gregor) in my wheel simulation
and indeed it did nice things. It's still there, so you can check
rwheel.cpp and check the few (3) #ifdef DO_GREGOR parts. ;-)
Perhaps I should pick it up again.
The strange thing though is that I have the impression that Genta's
first approach (which I posted before this one) seems to favor
longitudinal forces; the lateral forces diminish as you use up the
longitudinal force. In the above method however, you equally downsize
F_lat and F_lon so they're both equally present, so to say.
Now I wonder what direction is more right; is the longitudinal force
more prevalent than the lateral one? If not, Gregor's and Brian
Beckman's approach is quite a nice way to go...
Ruud van Gaal, GPL Rank +53.25
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