Hello, everyone!
Just thought I'd update you on a few things happening at SRO. We're
still working on a couple of sites, most notably the F1 One-Stop
Strategy centre, the Racer's Choice Web Directory, and The Pits' SRO
site. Since we want to do it right, we're taking our time to make
sure all the details are ironed out before taking these projects live.
To update you on the LIVE sites now available on SRO, here's the
following list:
Sim Racing News (http://www.racesimcentral.net/): SRN basically has its
index page on SRO, which links to several mirror sites (you choose the
one most responsive to you). We are currently discussing the
possibility of creating a mirror directly on the SRO site because of
the T3 connection to the 'Net.
IWCCCARS (http://www.racesimcentral.net/): The Project is still
going strong. Our NASCAR 2 site is in development but is not yet
ready for release.
The Pits (http://www.racesimcentral.net/): The Pits remains on its
home server site, but it has an interface page with site update news
that is an SRO exclusive. Check it out!
Sites in progress:
HOF2: Dave Gymer's Grand Prix 2 Hall of Fame
One Stop Strategy: Formula One Web "sanctioning" system
Racer's Choice Web Directory: Comprehensive Web site rating area and
links listing. This site will have a user-supplied link page, as well
as more detailed site reviews to let you know what you will find when
visiting a certain site.
Now, to those who have been wondering when the SRO site will be
completely live... well, as I said before, not until we're satisfied
that we have enough content to validate it. We're nearing that point
very quickly, however. Someone once said that to do something right
requires time and patience. That's what we're trying to do. <G>
IWCCCARS Project Coordinator