a $10.00 entrance fee to have a chance to qualify and race in a race at Monza?
This is what I am thinking.
Looking for, say, 100 drivers who would be willing to chance sending me a check
for $10.00 to enter. (I know its a leap of faith on the money, but don't know
any other way, and the check would be your receipt.)
When all the drivers are paid in full, I would host five 30 minute practice
sessions on a single night. 19 drivers would be given a password for the first
session, another 19 given a different password for the second session and so on
until everyone had a chance to run a practice session. (It would only be 19
per session so that I could host and take down the info. I would not compete.)
I would post the list of the top time for every driver and the top 15 would
advance to the money race.
The money race would be a passworded race that I host (again, I wouldnt be
competeing). A full practice session before the race to determine the race
starting grid. It would be a pro race so if you crash or do something stupid
on the start or during the race you lose, and so does anyone else involved in
your mishap. If you get discoed, sorry, not much could be done. No protests
or complaining.
Money breakdown might be something like this -
Slowest fast time of the 100 entries would receive his or her entry fee back.
Fastest time of the 100 entries in the practice sessions would receive his or
her entry fee back.
1st Place $300.00
2nd Place $150.00
3rd Place $100.00
4th Place $75.00
5th Place $50.00
6th-15th Place $25.00
That comes to a total of $945.00. I would keep the rest ($55.00) to cover
expenses of mailing prize money and my time to handle everything.
Right now I am just interested to see if anyone would want to do this. I guess
the best way to tell me is to just reply to this message.
Just a thought,
Michael "***" Loos
Chicago IL USA
Wozmon on WinVROC