Price is #189.99.
I've been playing Mobil 1 British Rally Championship with the
wheel/shifter combo and it is fabulous. Highly recommended.
> Price is #189.99.
> I've been playing Mobil 1 British Rally Championship with the
> wheel/shifter combo and it is fabulous. Highly recommended.
> > I saw some postings here and read some reviews on the Force RS.
> >Which retail outlets have it? Or, where can I find it online for less?
> >And what price?
> >Thanks
> Remove "hi" from address or it will bounce....
Saw It... Wanted It... Had A Fit... Got It!
Remove nojunk to email
Ohhhhhh....which reminds me when I was at Fry's in Arlington aproximately
one-half hour before the Ft. Worth tornado hit nearby I-20 this evening.
Yikes!!! Where's that freakin' bunker when you need it!
It's $154 there. Act Labs has it for $139.
$139.99 will be the best price you can find...unless you can find
someone selling one from the back of a van. :)
> I found it for $159 at Tiger Direct and I found it for $149 at
> But I found it from Act Labs for $139. Can I get it from
>somewhere else for less?
Personally I prefer Midnight Computer Parts. You get your order in by
midnight and they deliver by dawn.