> Nascar. At first I thought it may be a bad connnection in my speaker wires,
> but I plugged in a good set of headphones directly to the card, and still get
> the same noise. It is only in the digital sound effects, and does it whether
> on SB 8 Mono or SB 8 Stereo. Actually, it sounds more like static at times.
> And this is not a faulty card as near as I can tell, because it works great in
> ICR, Falcon, Tornado, and MiG-29 aswell as Doom, etc...
> Any ideas? Oh, it still makes noise while at the main menu aswell (ie
> static), even though there are no digital sounds there.
> Dean
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Dean C. Colpitts
> Civil Engineering Technician
> Novell 3.1x Administrator
> Moncton, New Brunswick
do it in the VGA mode. Anyone?