oups, i forgot to say that we worked on PS2, so we don't have memory to
waste ;o) we got only 32mb to store every thing, track included !!!
We try with only 3fps but the interpolation was not strong enough and the
car handled strangely in the replays :o)
But it's a lot more that on the PS1 wich had only 2mb !! on PS1 we were
forced to store user controls each frame and compress them in real time
because storing car informations ( position, rotation, wheel angle,
suspension stroke, tire grip for GFX/SFX) was really too much memory, so in
fact the replay was a replay of the driver not a movie :o)... so we didn't
have a "rewind" button in our replay :o)
well, got to go to sleep, tomorow i'll have 12hours of road drive,to go to
Espana for my 2 weeks vacancies.
Don't work to hard look at the sun sometimes ;o))))
Sbastien TIXIER - Game Developer
Dynamics and Car Physics
Overall GPLRank -42.97
Monster GPLRank -116.28
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 20:10:40 +0200, "Sbastien Tixier"
> >> Yes, replays are very important, just to review the great moments, and
> >> for a ghost car too. I'll record car positions, since the system is so
> >> complex that I'd rather just store the pos/rot variables. Esp. if you
> >> change the car physics a bit (like inertia values), your replays would
> >> become unusable if you just stored driver inputs.
> >we store the car with quaternions every 10 frames ( 60 fps ) and
> >values, works great :)
> That's 6Hz then? I had thought of 10Hz, or in any case something that
> may be quite the same as the multiplayer network frequency. (I believe
> Quake uses 20Hz network frequency)
> Ruud van Gaal, GPL Rank +53.25
> Pencil art : http://www.marketgraph.nl/gallery/
> Free car sim : http://www.marketgraph.nl/gallery/racer/