But like the home movies we used to watch in 8mm projectors (before
vid-cams), your head will block the picture, or you project it from an angle
above/below and to the left/right of you. IMHO, it would be kewl if you
could inverse the image before it went to the projector, then use a mirror
to bounce it at 90 degrees to the screen in front of you... we got one from
gateway this past week here at work and I got to play - Dream with it...
they bought it for trade Shows.
FYI this one, it has to be about 5-6ft away from the wall to make a picture
oh about 40-50 inches square (guestimate, I didnt measure it)... it gets
pretty warm, and cost $1800 or there abouts I think, and I think bulbs are
like 200- $400?. at home I would have AC-duct plumbed to it with a case fan
> I was thinking of maybe using a BRD Race-Frame-Pro or Hyperstimulator
> in the future.
> I don't think you want to sit too close to the projected screen. Not
> as close as you sit with a monitor.
> There for, intead of a monitor, i can put the beamer on the
> monitorstand in front of me and project on the wall about 1.5meters
> away.
> Marcel
>> We did some testing on our RC sim on one of these projectors. Very
>> nice to play that way, but I don't know much about the projectors.
>> What I've always wondered is how you get set up in a way that you
>> can sit in front of it, nice and close to the screen. What do
>> people do? Set the projector above and behind their head or what?
>> Todd Wasson
>> Racing Software
>> http://PerformanceSimulations.com
>> http://performancesimulations.com/scnshot4.htm