: On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 06:58:54 +1000, "Grant Christensen"
: >I also have this same problem. I would be interested to here from anyone
: >with a solution also.
: What exactly is the nature of the problem? I have my T2 working fine with
: Rally Championship, all I had to do was use the adapter, calibrate and away
: I went.
Some people are finding that the calibtartion just loops round and
never finishes. I'm not sure if this is due to lack of adapter
or not. The solution is to press the brake when it asks for the
accelerator and vice versa. This allows the calibration to complete
but the pedals are the wrong way aroound!
I would be VERY grateful if you could try the calibration for me without
the adapter. If it does just loop and can be completed if you
press the brake when asked for the accererator and vice versa
please let me know and I'll add it to the FAQ on my web page.
Many thanks
* Neil Jowsey Computing Services (Brownlow Hill) *
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