today I found at a specialised F1 shop a video cassette telling the
story of Jim Clark! It is published by "Duke Video" produced by Hay
Fisher, 1991. (seems to be Duke Marketing Ltd, PO Box 46, Isle
of Man, British Isles) [I have nothing to do with the company,
heard about it today! :-]
They have published also other champion videos.
Anyhow, the video is highly interesting! There are also many clips
from the 1997 season, and after seeing these I appreciate still more
the work Papyrus has made! I could identify nearly all scenes.
And there are also some tens of seconds in-car film from Jim's car:
it is so funny, how familiar it looks after GPL! And in these clips
you can also see how Jim uses his right foot for both pedals.
And perhaps especially Americans are interested in the fact that there
are quite many minutes of Jim driving in Indy car: -62 when he was 2nd
in Indy, -63 when he won Milwaukee, and the famous win of Indy -65.
I bought also Brabham video, but it was broken, no sound. I must change
it tomorrow... And they still have Graham Hill, Hulme, Moss, Fangio...
The cassets are quite expensive: c. 28.6 Euro (heh, heh, also Finnish
Mark is now bind to Euro :)