I'm tyring to set up a homebrew wheel and pedals set for RAC Rally
(the latest one) but I'm having a few problems, can anybody help
me please...
I believe certain wheels (I forget the names) needed a 'converter'
to work properly, this can be obtained free from thrustmaster,
I believe this swaps a couple of wires over, but I cannot remember
which ones. Can anybody tell me what they are and why this has to be done?
What are the contol axis for wheel/pedal control?
What are the contol axis for joystick control?
(Is there any diference??)
What's special about the Per4mer wheel that you have to presss button A
at one point and button B at another to get it to calibrate? (I'm
wondering if I have to do the same with mine)?
Finally what should a successful calibration look like? I'm finding
that I run through it once doing all the actions and then it just
asks me to do it all again, I take it it should return me back
to the menu if the calibration works....
Many thanks
* Neil Jowsey Computing Services (Brownlow Hill) *
* http://www.racesimcentral.net/./~neilj/home.html PO Box 147, Liverpool *
* Voice +44 151-794-4582 L69 3BX *
* Fax +44 151-794-4442 UK *
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