Getting Lapped


Getting Lapped

by BD » Mon, 16 Feb 2004 02:09:56

First off, started online racing about a week ago (after 5 years of home
racing) and am hooked. Besides the wreckers and kids, there are alot of
serious people doing this, me included. My quetion is. It seems like the
leader wwhen putting me or someone a lap down wants you to pull over and
die. Personally if I can race him clean and stay on the lead lap, my
therory is if he's fast enought to take it have at it. But the
whinnning......... Am I wrong. I was in 3rd and the race (the Rock)
started out with about 32 drivers, but came down to 8 of us running at
the end (after all the wrecks). At about lap 25 of 40 the leader pulls
up behind me, so i decide to run the low line and give him the top if he
wants it or can take it. Well for about 7 to 8 laps, he cant get around
me (saved my tires). Well when we come up on some slower traffic, he
punts me and takes out 3 other cars. Personally, I guess it's a racing
deal!! But then he says I should have moved over thats why he spun me.
BS, there was only 3 of us on the lead lap. Oh well, finshed 5th.

Next question. How do you type or chat while driving, besides the hot
keys??  2 screens??

How do you come up with passwords for the pasworded servers, besides
Blademans, which wants money, I guess.

Thanks, See ya around

Bill D
Dockmaster #18

Bill D
Pensacola, FL


Getting Lapped

by Shoc » Mon, 16 Feb 2004 02:51:49

Ok, first off don't pay attention to what people say online because most of
them are kids and they aren't as serious as you might be.  Just race and
have fun!  However, there are some great racers online, most of them being
in leagues, but not necessarily.  The passworded servers are usually leagues
or just private groups of people.  There are a lot of good leagues out there
to get involved in, find a good one with good people and stick with it, even
if it is small.  I use the T button to type, but it takes skill to get good
at typing while racing, I usually just race and type very little.  Ignore
arguing, some people are morons.  Just race clean and have fun.  If you
think you should let a guy by, let him go.  I just use the philosophy that
if they can stay on my bumper for more than a lap I'll let 'em by.


Goy Larse

Getting Lapped

by Goy Larse » Mon, 16 Feb 2004 03:51:09

> First off, started online racing about a week ago (after 5 years of home
> racing) and am hooked. Besides the wreckers and kids, there are alot of
> serious people doing this, me included. My quetion is. It seems like the
> leader wwhen putting me or someone a lap down wants you to pull over and
> die. Personally if I can race him clean and stay on the lead lap, my
> therory is if he's fast enought to take it have at it. But the
> whinnning......... Am I wrong. I was in 3rd and the race (the Rock)
> started out with about 32 drivers, but came down to 8 of us running at
> the end (after all the wrecks). At about lap 25 of 40 the leader pulls
> up behind me, so i decide to run the low line and give him the top if he
> wants it or can take it. Well for about 7 to 8 laps, he cant get around
> me (saved my tires). Well when we come up on some slower traffic, he
> punts me and takes out 3 other cars. Personally, I guess it's a racing
> deal!! But then he says I should have moved over thats why he spun me.
> BS, there was only 3 of us on the lead lap. Oh well, finshed 5th.

Well, personally I'd never race the leader once he's caught up with me,
meaning, once he's on my rear bumper I'll give him the inside line as
long as long as my own racing situation allows me to do so without
losing a position

It's not like I'd drive off the track to let him pass, but I wouldn't
make it difficult for him in any way

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

Darryl Johnso

Getting Lapped

by Darryl Johnso » Mon, 16 Feb 2004 04:08:59

>> First off, started online racing about a week ago (after 5 years
>> of home racing) and am hooked. Besides the wreckers and kids,
>> there are alot of serious people doing this, me included. My
>> quetion is. It seems like the leader wwhen putting me or someone
>> a lap down wants you to pull over and die. Personally if I can
>> race him clean and stay on the lead lap, my therory is if he's
>> fast enought to take it have at it. But the whinnning......... Am
>> I wrong. I was in 3rd and the race (the Rock) started out with
>> about 32 drivers, but came down to 8 of us running at the end
>> (after all the wrecks). At about lap 25 of 40 the leader pulls
>> up behind me, so i decide to run the low line and give him the
>> top if he wants it or can take it. Well for about 7 to 8 laps, he
>> cant get around me (saved my tires). Well when we come up on some
>> slower traffic, he punts me and takes out 3 other cars.
>> Personally, I guess it's a racing deal!! But then he says I
>> should have moved over thats why he spun me. BS, there was only 3
>> of us on the lead lap. Oh well, finshed 5th.

> Well, personally I'd never race the leader once he's caught up
> with me, meaning, once he's on my rear bumper I'll give him the
> inside line as long as long as my own racing situation allows me
> to do so without losing a position

> It's not like I'd drive off the track to let him pass, but I
> wouldn't make it difficult for him in any way

> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "goyl at nettx dot no"


> "A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
> --Groucho Marx--

Inside line, outside line; what's the diff? As long as you pick a
line and stay with it -- no  moving back and forth so the poor guy
can't figure out which way to go -- I'd say you are doing all you
can. If you've saved your tires and he hasn't, and you can now go as
fast as he can, then I'd say you need not make any effort to slow
down and move out of his way. Of course, guys will want to punt _me_
into the weeds for saying that. (The car you're in _never_ has any
problem going faster if only the idiot in front would move out of the
way! <g>)

It is a sad fact of life that the open races _tend_ to have people
who are too little or too much serious about their racing. As someone
else has suggested, try finding a league and getting to know the
people you race with. If you can't find one on your own, try asking
in the chats before and after races online. As you can tell by the
number of passworded races, there are a fair number of leagues out

Good luck!

Gerry Aitken

Getting Lapped

by Gerry Aitken » Mon, 16 Feb 2004 07:23:25

>>>First off, started online racing about a week ago (after 5 years
>>>of home racing) and am hooked. Besides the wreckers and kids,
>>>there are alot of serious people doing this, me included. My
>>>quetion is. It seems like the leader wwhen putting me or someone
>>>a lap down wants you to pull over and die. Personally if I can
>>>race him clean and stay on the lead lap, my therory is if he's
>>>fast enought to take it have at it. But the whinnning......... Am
>>>I wrong. I was in 3rd and the race (the Rock) started out with
>>>about 32 drivers, but came down to 8 of us running at the end
>>>(after all the wrecks). At about lap 25 of 40 the leader pulls
>>>up behind me, so i decide to run the low line and give him the
>>>top if he wants it or can take it. Well for about 7 to 8 laps, he
>>>cant get around me (saved my tires). Well when we come up on some
>>>slower traffic, he punts me and takes out 3 other cars.
>>>Personally, I guess it's a racing deal!! But then he says I
>>>should have moved over thats why he spun me. BS, there was only 3
>>>of us on the lead lap. Oh well, finshed 5th.

>>Well, personally I'd never race the leader once he's caught up
>>with me, meaning, once he's on my rear bumper I'll give him the
>>inside line as long as long as my own racing situation allows me
>>to do so without losing a position

>>It's not like I'd drive off the track to let him pass, but I
>>wouldn't make it difficult for him in any way

>>Beers and cheers
>>(uncle) Goy
>>"goyl at nettx dot no"


>>"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
>>--Groucho Marx--

> Inside line, outside line; what's the diff? As long as you pick a
> line and stay with it --

Well said. Hold your line! It's as simple as that.


Gerry Aitken?

...and a friend shall lose a friend's hammer. - Book of Cyril, chapter
6, verse 16

This e-mail has been scanned for all known viruses by a fish called Colin.

Byron John Forbe

Getting Lapped

by Byron John Forbe » Mon, 16 Feb 2004 21:16:49

   In a race without pits and especially yellows, I'd say you should lift
and let the leader by. Good manners and, more importantly, a lot safer for
you. If he has 2nd place breathing down his neck you are going to be really
pissing him off.  If you are in a battle for position though, that's a
different story. Remember, in the not too distant future you may be in a
position to win so......................


Getting Lapped

by Dirtmoj » Tue, 17 Feb 2004 00:35:17

My 2cents on all this. Yes, there are a few wreckers out there.. not as many
as there use to be. Most of what we now consider  " wreckers " are in
patient people who feel they have to go from 20th to first before the first
turn. They think they have the fastest car on the track because their tires
will stick the first 3 laps when everyone else is dirt tracking the turns
for a few laps. Usually these are the people causing all the problems. They
do not know how to check up or hold a line. Gonna stop  because I could go
on for days about all the smacktards racing..

As for letting the leading pass. He's shouldn't have punted you. He was
pissed because he wasn't fast enough to get around and felt.. " how dare a
lapper not move for me ".  that guy was being a
jackass....worse part about it is.. they will never say - i'm sorry...they
will put the blame all on kids..***'s too..

There are a number of ways I look at it. If you know the leader will race
you clean, make him work for it. Give him the outside lane, but usually
that's not the case. From what I've experienced over the years is..If your
on the inside there's a 98% chance the leader will punt you to the wall so I
usually get out of the way pick up on the draft and hopefully , with
drafting the leaders, pick up a position or two.
Usually letting a leader pass is a gentlemen's agreement.

 Leaders are not the only ones who punt you... you have to watch, there are
tons of kids out there who feel they need to lead the draft because they
don't understand the cars behind the lead draft are faster then the  lead
draft car..however, they maybe able to pass, but they may not have a good
lead draft car which will hurt the group...Usually when drafting you have to
have some sort of agreement as to who has the fastest lead draft car and go
with it. It may take a few laps but if ya find out who has the fastest lead
draft car the pack will take off and be able to run down the leaders or lap
the field.

Back during the N4 days and even some races with N2002 we would draft most
of the race and race the last 5 or 10 laps.. talk about some fun racing...

To chat while racing press T.  Stick to the hot keys -

Therron Thoma

Getting Lapped

by Therron Thoma » Wed, 18 Feb 2004 08:49:59

I haven't raced online in a while because my 1.2ghz machine just don't
hack it with the sims that are being played alot.

In reference to you question I think racers should police themselves
the way the officials would if they were actually present.
It sounds to me as if you would have been warned for blocking and then
actually given a penalty for it if REAL NASCAR officials had been

That is my bottom line I guess. While I personally would have done nothing
different than you did,
I still think that we should all treat our actions as though we are being
moitored by
the real deal.

> My 2cents on all this. Yes, there are a few wreckers out there.. not as
> as there use to be. Most of what we now consider  " wreckers " are in
> patient people who feel they have to go from 20th to first before the
> turn. They think they have the fastest car on the track because their
> will stick the first 3 laps when everyone else is dirt tracking the turns
> for a few laps. Usually these are the people causing all the problems.
> do not know how to check up or hold a line. Gonna stop  because I could go
> on for days about all the smacktards racing..

> As for letting the leading pass. He's shouldn't have punted you. He was
> pissed because he wasn't fast enough to get around and felt.. " how dare a
> lapper not move for me ".  that guy was being a
> jackass....worse part about it is.. they will never say - i'm sorry...they
> will put the blame all on kids..***'s too..

> There are a number of ways I look at it. If you know the leader will race
> you clean, make him work for it. Give him the outside lane, but usually
> that's not the case. From what I've experienced over the years is..If your
> on the inside there's a 98% chance the leader will punt you to the wall so
> usually get out of the way pick up on the draft and hopefully , with
> drafting the leaders, pick up a position or two.
> Usually letting a leader pass is a gentlemen's agreement.

>  Leaders are not the only ones who punt you... you have to watch, there
> tons of kids out there who feel they need to lead the draft because they
> don't understand the cars behind the lead draft are faster then the  lead
> draft car..however, they maybe able to pass, but they may not have a good
> lead draft car which will hurt the group...Usually when drafting you have
> have some sort of agreement as to who has the fastest lead draft car and
> with it. It may take a few laps but if ya find out who has the fastest
> draft car the pack will take off and be able to run down the leaders or
> the field.

> Back during the N4 days and even some races with N2002 we would draft most
> of the race and race the last 5 or 10 laps.. talk about some fun racing...

> To chat while racing press T.  Stick to the hot keys -

> > First off, started online racing about a week ago (after 5 years of home
> > racing) and am hooked. Besides the wreckers and kids, there are alot of
> > serious people doing this, me included. My quetion is. It seems like the
> > leader wwhen putting me or someone a lap down wants you to pull over and
> > die. Personally if I can race him clean and stay on the lead lap, my
> > therory is if he's fast enought to take it have at it. But the
> > whinnning......... Am I wrong. I was in 3rd and the race (the Rock)
> > started out with about 32 drivers, but came down to 8 of us running at
> > the end (after all the wrecks). At about lap 25 of 40 the leader pulls
> > up behind me, so i decide to run the low line and give him the top if he
> > wants it or can take it. Well for about 7 to 8 laps, he cant get around
> > me (saved my tires). Well when we come up on some slower traffic, he
> > punts me and takes out 3 other cars. Personally, I guess it's a racing
> > deal!! But then he says I should have moved over thats why he spun me.
> > BS, there was only 3 of us on the lead lap. Oh well, finshed 5th.

> > Next question. How do you type or chat while driving, besides the hot
> > keys??  2 screens??

> > How do you come up with passwords for the pasworded servers, besides
> > Blademans, which wants money, I guess.

> > Thanks, See ya around

> > Bill D
> > Dockmaster #18

> > --
> > Bill D
> > Pensacola, FL

Jason Moy

Getting Lapped

by Jason Moy » Wed, 18 Feb 2004 10:28:25

On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 18:49:59 -0500, "Therron Thomas"

>In reference to you question I think racers should police themselves
>the way the officials would if they were actually present.
>It sounds to me as if you would have been warned for blocking and then
>actually given a penalty for it if REAL NASCAR officials had been

NASCAR gives a blocking warning if you clearly change lines in an
attempt to block someone who has already committed to making a pass.
If you run a consistent line, either high all the way around, low all
the way around, or the standard high entry/low apex/high exit line
then you won't be penalized by NASCAR.

Does NASCAR give blue flags anymore?  I can't remember the last time
I've seen one, and it seems like they typically just let the lapped
cars race with the leaders.


No On

Getting Lapped

by No On » Wed, 18 Feb 2004 13:09:49

> Am I wrong. I was in 3rd and the race (the Rock)
> started out with about 32 drivers, but came down to 8 of us running at
> the end (after all the wrecks). At about lap 25 of 40 the leader pulls
> up behind me, so i decide to run the low line and give him the top if he
> wants it or can take it. Well for about 7 to 8 laps, he cant get around
> me (saved my tires). Well when we come up on some slower traffic, he
> punts me and takes out 3 other cars.

I can't speak for the gubber who was behind you, but had I been racing with
you I'd have used you and drafted behind you to get away from the second
place car.  As long as you weren't blocking, I'd follow you around. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.