>>I was kind of surprised that the Eagle chassis was neglected until the
>>end. Lotus was used up first, then Ferarri, Coventry and eagle (4 cars
>>each). There is a single Brabham in the field.
>Huh? When I read your page (shortly after it was announced here)
>only two Eagles were alloted and they were both assigned already (out
>of six cars assigned at that time). I would have given the series
>more serious consideration if the only chassis I care to drive (and
>not necessarily for performance reasons) was available. Maybe that's
>why not many people selected it... ;)
I think you mis-read the page - four of each chassis were allowed, and of
that two Eagles were used fairly immediately. And that's where it stayed
until two guys asked if they could be stand-bys (after the first 15
people had signed up).
I wanted to avoid the "sea-of-green" that we typically see in open VROC
events - for example, I hosted a race a few days ago, and of 16 cars in
that race, there were 12 lotus, one eagle, a ferrari, and two coventries.
Granted, the Lotus is probably the fastest car overall, but I wonder just
how fast some of these guys would be if they were relegated to a vehicle
of lesser stature, such as a Coventry, a Brabham, or even a Murasama.
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
IGPS Director
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