> If we want to simulate small, local tracks, or larger tracks and not put any
> copyright infringement, where would there be a problem. I'm not saying
> rebuilding Daytona and putting it on the web. That would obviously by wrong.
> But our own creations with no copyright infringements.
> I can understand the fine line Papyrus is walking with the legalese, but
> can and can't we do?
Since I'm bored....
Can't somebody build a track with similarities of Daytuna, without any props
saying it is as such.
Somebody else build billboards and logos with Daytuna on it. I doubt anybody
has the rights to the word Daytuna, if so have it where we can type anything
we like on the darn thing and I'll type Daytuna
Somebody else the buildings and stands, who cares it there missing the last 10
rows or a few office cubicals.
Then the user can put them together if they choose in the privacy of their own
house and come up with a poor man's unofficial Daytuna? I mean I'm sure the
tracks we have from papy aren't exact duplicates on how the track actually
feels, please don't take offense but IMO to make it just like the track is
impossible. So where already playing on tracks that are ideas in our heads of
what the actual track may be like and that's all I ask anyways. Altered
Sorta like a bomb. You can buy all the ingredients and it's up to you what you
want to do with them.
Or more in the line of this business a NBA game with Jordan in it. Most don't
have him in it because of licensing. But they have this unknown guy out there
that is awesome who just so happens to play shooting gaurd for the Bulls who
doesn't follow suit with the other players in terms of matching on the roster.
They also included this thing called an editor where you can change the name
and the number of that shooting gaurd. Guess what everybody in America does? I
refuse to answer (under oath), but you know!! The funny thing is at the end
this guy who was basically nameless at the start even looks like MJ himself.
You see those companies aren't allowed to put MJ in the game but they have all
the bits and pieces in place so the person at home can do whatever they like.
It's called creative planning.