>Sounds good. I know the physics aren't acurate, but I do love the sliding
>around in the arcade version. Sounds like a keeper.
to the arcade but the graphics aren't as good.
Are the game physics as good as the arcade? Graphics?
How long has this been out?
Marshall McLean
As for the game itself, it is a near-perfect replica of the
arcade version. Quite the opposite of Sega's pathetic renditions of
Daytona and Manx TT. It also adds several new (and good) tracks, as
well as the best selection of rally cars available in one game (one
major omission, though: no Fords). Without commenting on the
real-world accuracy of the physics, let me just say that if you
enjoyed the arcade game you will definitely enjoy the home version.
Long Live Nigel Mansell!
> >Are the game physics as good as the arcade? Graphics?
> >How long has this been out?
> Sega Rally 2 for the PC has been out since last year in Europe
> and Japan. It's only been brought to North America recently. I'm not
> sure if there are differences between the different PC versions (on
> the Dreamcast, at least, the American version includes the Peugeot
> 206WRC).
> As for the game itself, it is a near-perfect replica of the
> arcade version. Quite the opposite of Sega's pathetic renditions of
> Daytona and Manx TT. It also adds several new (and good) tracks, as
> well as the best selection of rally cars available in one game (one
> major omission, though: no Fords). Without commenting on the
> real-world accuracy of the physics, let me just say that if you
> enjoyed the arcade game you will definitely enjoy the home version.
> Martin
> Long Live Nigel Mansell!
I've got a P2 450 and its chugs a lot at 800x600. The best I can get is
640x480, medium detail then
its totally smoth. To get things smooth at a high res, you need a top pc.
Good force fedback effects by the way (MS version)
>It's the same as the dreamcast version. A lot more tracks and cars compared
>to the arcade but the graphics aren't as good.
IMHO, the reason why this game wasn't released in the US was because it
would have killed the Dreamcast game, which stunk (again IMHO).
The PC version plays much better, looks much better, and oh yeah, it has
network play.
If you like the arcade game you'll really like SR2 PC. I wouldn't be
comparing it to Sports Car GT anytime soon..but SR2 is a fun little
I just need to find someone on a network to play against (It's IP to IP
Dan Clarke
Managing Editor
Operation Sports