>Having searched in our local retailers for the last few weeks for the
>PGP Track Pack, I finally decided to ask someone when they'd be
>getting it in. The guy at Electronic Boutique said to me that he
>expected not to be getting it, as Instant Access are apparently in a
>legal dispute with Microprose over it. Anyone know anything about
>this? Anyone seen the pack in a retail outlet yet, or is it currently
>only available by Mail Order?
>Any thought?
>Jim Norton
I have just been passed your message regarding the Electronics Boutique shop
assistants comments regarding a legal dispute between Instant Access and
Microprose. WHAT COMPLETE NONSENSE. Instant Access is not in any kind of
dispute with Microprose, legal or otherwise and if people persist in spreading
these untruths they may find themselves in a legal dispute of their very own.
If you would like to buy a copy of Perfect Grand Prix Track Pack you can do so
at the following in the UK
Game, Toy'R'Us, PC World, HMV, Beatties and ***, or directly from our web
If you need any more information, please feel free to contact me, oh and by
the way, if you could let me know which branch of EB this spokesperson was
from I would be grateful. I would like to put him straight before he misleads
anyone else .
Yours sincerely
Paul Rushworth.
Paul Rushworth
Product Manager
Instant Access International Ltd.
The Technology Park, Colindeep Lane
London NW9 6DU
Telephone: 44 181 205 2596 Fax: 44 181 200 9882
Please remove NOSPAM from my email address when replying.