>>> Man Nascar is getting ***ing! :) I finally beat my old record.
>>> I went from 39th at Charlette to 1st place in 13 laps with AI set
>>> to 100%. How does this compare to anyone else? Just trying to
>>> get a feel of where others are at...
>>I don't mean to come off elitist or anything, but I remember when I
>>to use what you are talking about as a benchmark of my skill and it
>>doesn't compare to the level of skill you'll find online. If you
>>want to see what you're worth, you need to come on Hawaii and find
>>AI will teach you how to conduct yourself in traffic, but they are
>>too polite. You push them, they'll give. Try that online?...well,
>>me about 20 laps to pass a guy monday (Yes Bill...You!) We spent a
>>great many of those 20 laps door to door, neither willing to give up
>>nut! The AI just don't dig that hard! (g)
>>I oughta release that replay on home video! (g)
>I agree with you. There's a simple little trick to beating the AI -
>brake late going into the corner. They will usually politely move
>leaving you the inside line. You do have to be careful, because if you
>brake too hard, they will come back down on you. You can actually beat
>AI even when the leaders are set to run faster laps than you, if you
>catch them in lap traffic. As Mark said, it's nothing like racing
>the real thing.
>Dave (davids) Sparks
>Late Night League
Dave...while I have not raced Hawaii...($$)...I have no doubt that
racing against a full human field is superior to racing against AI.
That said...I must comment on the fact that at higher difficulty
levels, the AI is *certainly* no pushover. One would expect that as
you step up the ladder in difficulty, you would just see incremental
AI speed increases. This has not been my experience. Fire up say
Darlington somewhere between 105-110% and I think you'll be surprised.
Nobody is being 'polite' there. While I'm awaiting NRL as much as
everyone else...N1 continues to amaze me with overall AI programming.