>>% It`s a game, it`s playable, who cares? It runs fine for me, I play it
>>% for FUN, i`m not obsessed. 15fps or 35fps, i`m still just as likely to
>>% hit a wall.
>>I my opinion, I have found that I am less likely to hit a wall the
>>faster the frame rate is. This provides better control. It seems that
>>every fps gained in GP2 translates to better lap times (for me at least).
>Certainly when your processor power stays the same and you started with >100 PO
>at 15fps <G>
around 5fps MAX! When we`re getting to that realm, I`ll admit, it's
hard to control, but with the computer now polling 15 times a second
(on average) to see what you`re doing, I can`t honestly say there has
been any situation where a higher frame rate would have saved me. When
i've crashed, it`s been my fault.
Blaming the FPS brings to mind the old saying "A bad workman always
blames his tools."
The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny