jeez? tell me im wrong.
Tim phoned FIRST after the whole debacle had started, with modders having
had contact from FIRST asking them to stop. This is the extra detail that
you may be missing :
FIRST issues out its warning to modders to stop, then FIRST, upon getting
bad press from the modders, issues its statement on its web site.
Tim stated over at RSC that he thought they were wrong.
Then he phoned them.
What was said in that conversation is between Tim and FIRST, although from
that phone call stemmed FIRSTs extended requests to Tim.
get my facts straight?
So now Tim has signed a TRO, itll be interesting to see what happens next.
> >?
> >I thought it went :
> >emails and cease and desists asking modders to cease and desist.
> >modders mostly comply, with redline going so far as to get a license to
> >it properly.
> >Tim comes out and says "you cant stop me"
> >RSC gets inundated with guys thinking that Tim in the new messiah.
> >FIRST issue press release telling community why they issued the Cease and
> >Desist notices.
> >Tim still says "you cant stop me"
> >so now a judge will.
> Jeez get your facts straight. Tim DID stop, but First demanded
> more of him than just that:
> [First post]
> As of yesterday tho it looks like both sides agreed that Tim would
> not be distributing any code or physics unlockers: