Any suggestions to buy it online?
God bless the Hendrick family.....
Both titles are have been discontinued. You will find it easier to
track down Nr2k3 than F1c. F1c is almost a rariety...ebay would be your
best bet, but I doubt you will find one
(f1c) priced anywhere near it's final retail price of $9.99 USA dollars.
dave hanire
> > Looking to pickup a new N2003 CD as well as F1Challenge.....
> > Any suggestions to buy it online?
> > Thx
> Both titles are have been discontinued. You will find it easier to
> track down Nr2k3 than F1c. F1c is almost a rariety...ebay would be your
> best bet, but I doubt you will find one
> (f1c) priced anywhere near it's final retail price of $9.99 USA dollars.
> dave hanire