Because I don't care for Sports Car racing, real or simulated simple as
that, just personal taste is all. I do have an interest(have since World
Circuit) in racing sims, but not all of them, just like some don't care for
Nascar sims, modern F1 sims, etc.
Also, thanks for digging up my previous post, I stand corrected. Make that
two whole posts I've done, sorry :)
Interesting turn this ng has taken:
1. No OT posts(understandable to a point), only racing sim related posts
2. No posts about WSC, even though it's racing sim related, dammit!
Compressing things a bit obviously, but still a bit humorous.
> >> It's Vapourware for me until I see it on the shelves.
> >> RegularRacer
> > Agreed.
> >-John
> > See RegularRacer's post for my reply too <G>
> >-John
> Hmm...short memory? ;)
> How can you say you won't buy it full stop even if it does come out? This
> is, so I'd have to guess you have at least a minor
> interest in racing sims, and clearly at this point you have no idea of the
> quality of it (neither does anyone really), so what basis do you have for
> rejecting it full stop at this point?
> > Read the threads about it; I didn't start, nor contribute about this
> > "vaporware or not" subject until two posts above; the first and only one
> > dealing with it's status by me.
> > -John