echo off
"C:\Program Files\Ratbag\Dirt Track Racing\DTR.exe" -nolaunch -nointro
save and run
"E:\Games\Dirt Track Racing\DTR.exe" -shell -nolaunch -nointro
| "Instead of letting the moon be the
Bill Mette | gateway to our future, we have let
Enteract, Chicago | it become a brief chapter in our
> No problem here with Win98 SE. Here's a direct copy & paste of my command
> line:
> "E:\Games\Dirt Track Racing\DTR.exe" -shell -nolaunch -nointro
> --
> | "Instead of letting the moon be the
> Bill Mette | gateway to our future, we have let
> Enteract, Chicago | it become a brief chapter in our
I don't know for certain, but I am guessing it will take you directly to the
meat of the game without having to esc or <enter> through a bunch of intro
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> > >Has anyone successfully added this string using Win 98?
> > >DN
> > No problem here with Win98 SE. Here's a direct copy & paste of my command
> > line:
> > "E:\Games\Dirt Track Racing\DTR.exe" -shell -nolaunch -nointro
-nointro will axe the opening intro sequence.
Man, ya gotta love those Figure 8 tracks, no?
Chuck Kandler #70
ChuckK or KS70 on
K&S Racing
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!