I couldn't work out why B.Corin had chosen a full length GP race at Monza. I
mean, that's 4 hours of practice sessions!!
Then, when I realised he wasn't racing I understood it all! What a great idea.
He just left the host running so it needed minimal attention -- presumably
while he's working -- giving people somewhere fast to race (T1 connection I
Ok, it's not ideal, but it allowed some entertaining hotlapping, then we had a
go at a man-made race. A few of us agreed to stop on the starting line and
have a manual start.
Of course if you don't move much for a few seconds GPL removes you. Ok,
scrub that idea!
But there was nothing stopping us starting from the pits. Everyone got out of
their cars and I counted them down. Then it was a frantic rush for the big
green button, producing an excellent starts out of the pit lane... give or take
the odd spin :-)
Thought I'd mention this in case anyone finds themselves in a similar
position. And thanks to Mr Corin for the hosting idea.
Andrew McP