STCC in UK ?

Kenneth Verbur

STCC in UK ?

by Kenneth Verbur » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

It's Scandinavia-only, but Fredrik Liliegren from Digital Illusions sent me
the following info:

"If you wish to order STCC from abroad (outside Sweden) then this is how:

Either fax, or mail your order here:

Webhallen Sverige AB
Markvardsgatan 1
113 53 Stockholm
Fax: The fax# is 46 8 15 66 78


The cost is 219 kr + 60 kr (shipping) with is approximately $32.00 US
Dollars in total."

We'll have a full review of the game up later this week.

Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster/Editor-in-chief High Gear

Karl Branki

STCC in UK ?

by Karl Branki » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Does anyone know if STCC is going to be released in UK ?
If not where can it be ordered from in Scandinavia ?


Kenneth Verbur

STCC in UK ?

by Kenneth Verbur » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Oh, and Digital Illusions also let me know that there is a playable demo on
its way, in which you can race against 7 cars in a Volvo for 3 laps. Should
be available today or tomorrow.

Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster/Editor-in-chief High Gear

Dave Henri

STCC in UK ?

by Dave Henri » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

  when you do your review, will it have the 1.3 patch which is
already out???
dave henrie

> Oh, and Digital Illusions also let me know that there is a playable demo on
> its way, in which you can race against 7 cars in a Volvo for 3 laps. Should
> be available today or tomorrow.

> --
> Kenneth Verburg
> Webmaster/Editor-in-chief High Gear

Karl Branki

STCC in UK ?

by Karl Branki » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Thanks for the info re ordering. I`ll try the demo too. Does the demo
incorporate the 1.3 patch improvements ?

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