For people wondering were I got my information from concerning
the news that a Network gp2 WILL be produced, it was on my
internet suppliers news pages as follows ;
Bosses at Microprose have revealed that simulation ace Geoff Crammond is to
soup up F1GP2 with a 16 player network version.
Details are sparse concerning the multi-player version, and it is unclear
whether it will be a whole new game or an update patch.
One thing is for sure, it will be several months before Geoff gets round to
creating the new software as he's gone on a well deserved break. Microprose
say the reason networking support was not included in the release version
of F1GP2 is that three years ago, when work started on the simulation,
networking wasn't a major issue. Now it is, so look out folks - things are
going to get pretty hairy around the F1 circuits of the world...