>Could someone point me to information on setting up TCP/IP on a 3
>computer LAN. When I try to run Nascar 3 (or any other TCP) game on my
>network the computer starts my dialup and locks up. All IPX games work
>The LAN consists of 3 WIN 98 cpus, in the TCP/IP properties attached
>to my nic I have specified IP checked and ... 2 ... 3
>entered for IP addresses and subnet mask.
>DNS Config:
>DNS enable checked
> Host & domain names
>DNS search order
Disable the DNS for the TCP/IP bound to your NIC
I have a very similar situation here, three W98 PCs on a Peer>Peer LAN with
TCP/IP as the protocol. Two of them also have TCP/IP dialup connections.
Try disabling the DNS (not needed in a peer>peer setup) and see if that
works. If not, email me and I can go through my setup in greater detail for
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