I was hoping someone could help me with some trouble I'm having
running the MP Analyzer on Windows 95.
I've DLed both the 16 and 32-bit versions of MP Analyzer and I can't
get either to work under Windows 95 on my home computer. I keep
getting the following error message:
Exception EConvertError in module MPANAL32.EXE at 00004CAA.
'1/23/96 22:12:12' is not a valid date and time.
The memory address is different when I try and run the 16-bit version
of MP Analyzer, but everything else is the same in the error message.
The date and time refers to a race in the sample.txt file, but even
when I delete the sample.txt file or change the date/time of the race
the error message is referring to, I still get the same error message
Does anyone (Larry?) have a clue as to why?
The 16-bit version works fine under Windows 3.1 on my computer at
Thanks in advance,