Is WSC supposed to run faster on a P4 than a athlon ??

Thom j

Is WSC supposed to run faster on a P4 than a athlon ??

by Thom j » Tue, 24 Jul 2001 03:59:26

'O' ok! Just didnt seem like your MO? Thats all!! Well "Grump on"
then.. hahaha But the offer for psycho-neuro *** still stands! :-)

| Oh, I'm capable of the most dispicable of tirades at times. If you
| knew my complete posting history under various handles you would
| understand that. Someone forgot to water us today!
| >Wow Bill and Ben, did we wake up on the wrong side today?
| >Does not seem like the type of re: you'd send.. more like me!
| >Yikes.. "O" well have a good day & if not I have extra meds
| >for this kind of thing.. :o) de Me

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Bill and Ben, the flower pot men

Is WSC supposed to run faster on a P4 than a athlon ??

by Bill and Ben, the flower pot men » Tue, 24 Jul 2001 04:20:49

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