I just re-wired my T2 to have the pedals on separate axis, as per a
friends advice. When I got the whole lot working, the Brake would'nt
give me much movement in the calibration, about 50% of the throttle.
When I went to the track, It was ABS...I could just hammer it down, and
trail brake. Within 5 laps I was close to my best, actually a tenth away
(1.07 .44), and I could not lock the wheels, No Way!
I even checked the options menu to see if any of the help options were
on, but nope. however, I sort of wanted to be able to lock the brakes,
so I removed the pedal, adjusted, or re-set the pot, and now it locks up
like hell....
I hereby state that with some controller tuning, one can be faster/cheat
in GPL. If I spend a few hours adjusting that pot setting, I can
probably come up with a setting that will lock the wheels up only if I
press the last milimetre out of that pedal....
Any thoughs?
Matthew Knutsen
Cheek Racing Cars