been unable to do the last 2 days) to make sure all was well. I get there
and I was greeted by this message:
TECH NOTE: Service too damn hot
We are currently experiencing slight technical
problems. Basically our shop server was working
so hard over the weekend pumping out deal
after amazing deal that it actually caught fire!
Unfortunately we are not joking - it's a
smouldering pile of rubble. A replacement should
be up sometime over night.
Luckily we have a multi-channel full-on
access-all-areas service so you can browse this
website and then use one of these methods to
PHONE: 0845 201 0444
LOL Now thats pretty funny.
Anyhow, has anyone ever had any problems ordering from
(particularly those in the US.) I live in Missouri, should I expect GP3
sometime within a week of its release (Aug 2 or 3?).