On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 13:31:22 GMT, "Verne \"fnugen\" Harris"
>Good day group. In an effort to maximize a rather rapidly diminishing HD
>free space problem, I was wondering if there was a way to delete the
>original F1 cars from both F1 2K1 and 2K2. I don't play these cars and only
>have the games for the mods either available or on the way. (M3, BTCC) I
>also need room to "store" these mods and my space is getting rather
>congested. I hope it can be done..........and if so, how.
> Thanks
Give it a try by moving the vehicle directory out. And see if it
works. I can't see why it won't. As long as the mod doesn't
reference anything thing in the F1 cars it should go. My F1 vehicle
directory is only about 100MB, so that's not a big deal.
What you should be concerned about is the tracks. They take up a lot
of space especially if you have lots of mods (300-400MB for each mod).
There is a way to save space. Delete all the .MAS files in the mod's
track directory. The .MAS files are the biggest files in the
directory and they aren't needed. Leave the .JPG, .AIW, .BIK, .CAM,
.CIN, and .SCN in it's place.
And make sure all of the .SCN files in the mod's track directory point
to the original F1 Tracks folder. ex. Phoenix.scn
This will make the mod load the .MAS files from your original F12k2
directory. I have my JGTC, Lemans2k1, Alfa, and CART mod all point to
the F12k2 directories and it saved me tons of space.
My JGTC track directory is only 65MB where as if I had the .MAS files
in there it would be about 400MB!!
karkrazy AT softhome DOT net