The answer to question 2 depends on your motivation. I play games for
fun. For me, force feedback is way more fun. Ask any non-gamer to
choose, and they will always choose a force feedbac wheel (given price
is not a concern). Why? Because it is flat out, fun.
Now, if you are playing for high scores or lower lap times, we are
talking something totally different. Some "sim enthusiasts" claim
that force feedback is a distraction. In some cases it can be.
However, in some cases, it can help though (road feel).
My anology: When you are fragging in Q3, do you play in 32 bit colour
1024 or at 16 bit at 800x600? Depends. If you want to be ultra
competitve, you will play at the lower resolution and colour depth.
Not because it is more fun, but because you want a higher score. When
I play single player games though, I always crank up all the eye candy
because it is more fun. Let's face it...special effects are cool.
Force feedback falls into this category.
I love my force feedback and would never go back!!!!
My two cents,
>hi guys, I am finally getting a new computer this weekend. I just have 2
>1. Should I get a Voodoo 3 or a TNT card? From what I heard, TNT2 is better,
>but since most sims are based on the voodoo 3. Voodoo is the better buy
>2. Should I sell my NASCAR Pro wheel and get a forced feedback wheel? If so,
>which one should I get? How much do they go for?