If I had the ability to drive a sim that would allow this [properly]
then yeah I'd do it (in the sim of course!). That's why Grand Theft Auto
is so damn good.
Of course in real life hardly anyone would do it.
Dave Bowers
If I had the ability to drive a sim that would allow this [properly]
then yeah I'd do it (in the sim of course!). That's why Grand Theft Auto
is so damn good.
Of course in real life hardly anyone would do it.
Dave Bowers
In essence the rotating lights of a police vehicle along with a siren
(here in New York State) require the operator of a motor vehicle to
pull over, stop and yield to the emergency vehicle.
If you see/hear the lights/siren and do not yield then you have made a
conscious decision not to obey the law. Ergo, you are now culpable
(responsible) for any penalty that may ensue.
As a police officer I've charged many a person with Reckless
Endangerment (both the felony & misdemeanor versions) that essentially
says the person acted in an reckless manner in such a way as to create
a serious risk of serious physical injury (the misdemeanor version) or
death (the felony version).
Police pursuits can get very hairy and many cops (including myself)
often will call off a pursuit on their own if the offense at hand does
not justify the continuation of the inherent risks at hand. [I'm not
going to risk a high speed accident over something like someone
blowing a stop sign. Armed robbery suspect maybe.] Nowadays, if the
cop doesn't cal it off himself, then one of his bosses will.
Looking for thrills? Get yourself a real good set-up, fire-up N2 at
105 %, and race at C***te with #6, and #99 bearing down hard in
turns 2 and 3. That should keep your adreneline levels high enough.
If that's not enough, play with the damage toggled to "on". [There,
I've now remained on-topic].
To answer the aforementioned question...No I would not. I'd rather
bend over, take it, and know that I just helped some thief steal
personal belongings from ones home by keeping this particular cop
occupied. I do hope there are more police officers out there like you
who will call off the chase...esp. since the advent of this thing called
the photograph, and radio...what a gawddamn concept! Let me just say
that a couple of years ago, (I just moved into this area), I heard of a
15 yr. old w/out a license or permit, go joy riding in his parents
Jaguar. Police found him and he took off, they did the same...Kid lost
an arm, and his poor girlfriend, an innocent passenger, perished.
Wrapped the thing around a tree because the cops around here are e***d
when there's a chase...they don't use what little brain they actually do
Talladega as opposed to C***te would be my choice of track...OR, if
you're really daring, head out my way for a day of wine and roses near
S.F. California (Bay Area baby!) and try your hand at Sears Point
Raceway my friends!
Musclecar enthusiast,