I would like your assistance in gathering information about sim
enthusiasts for a business plan I am working on. I am conducting a
survey (Yes, yet another survey.) of as many sim players as I can get.
It does not matter what kind of sims you like. Flight, racing, or
whatever matter of action simulators you like, we would love to hear
from you.
There are only 17 multi-choice questions and one fill in the blank
question so it will not take more than 5 minutes to complete. Also, at
your option we ask you to join our mailing list. This mailing list and
the information from the survey will not be shared with anyone outside
my company for any reason. Also we will not spam you, mailings will be
sent only if there is really important information to be shared.
Thanks in advance to all of you for your help with our information
gathering. And thanks for reading this.
Larry Heir
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.