


by c.. » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Hi I am wanting to upgrade and have heard a lot about the Celeron 300A.
My question is what exactly do I need to get it up to the 450 Mhz yall
are speaking of. I also need new memory so which type do I need to get?
And last what type of Motherboard would work best with this?
John Alderman
Big Dadd


by Big Dadd » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Check out for most of the info.
A buddy of mine built a 300A using the Abit BX6 and is having great results.
Another great board is the Asus P2B.
Read the motherboard stuff at Tom's and it will discuss which RAM is best
for which board.



>Hi I am wanting to upgrade and have heard a lot about the Celeron 300A.
>My question is what exactly do I need to get it up to the 450 Mhz yall
>are speaking of. I also need new memory so which type do I need to get?
>And last what type of Motherboard would work best with this?
>John Alderman

Remco Moe


by Remco Moe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Hi John,

First: Educate yourself ->

Second: In general you need:

MB:    Abit BH6
CPU: Intel Celeron 300A
MEM: PC100 spec
If your current case isn't an ATX, you need one.


Peter Gag


by Peter Gag » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> Hi I am wanting to upgrade and have heard a lot about the Celeron
> 300A.
> My question is what exactly do I need to get it up to the 450 Mhz
> yall
> are speaking of.

Overbus the m/b to 100MHz x 4.5 = 450 by altering the m/b settings in
the bios/cmos set-up....

PC100 SDRam....

Abit BH6 or BX6.....

I'm (hopefully) going down that same upgrade route myself pretty


*Peter*    8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)



by c.. » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> Hi I am wanting to upgrade and have heard a lot about the Celeron 300A.
> My question is what exactly do I need to get it up to the 450 Mhz yall
> are speaking of. I also need new memory so which type do I need to get?
> And last what type of Motherboard would work best with this?
> Thanks,
> John Alderman

Thanks for all the help I hope I will soon be playing GPL like it should
be played.
Thanks again
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