New Orleans deserves this hurricane


New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by KillzoneBigNuts » Mon, 05 Sep 2005 13:28:37

>> Their is no God.  If their was why does he let inocent people die
>> every day, when ***s and rapist are still here and sometimes walk
>> freely?
>> Thats just one in a long list of why their is no god IMO. I have my
>> personal reasons to though.

>> If their is a God hes one sick bastard...

> is that really your basis for why their isnt a God? see... God tests
> faith by giving people their own free will while living on this earth...
> and by doing so people developed themselves into ***ers, rapists and
> such... it is too easy to lose faith and say "there is no God"...
> reading the Bible is a good start to understanding why God does some of
> the things He does.

What version do you read, King James or The Kuran?
Joshua Steubin

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Joshua Steubin » Mon, 05 Sep 2005 14:19:51

> What version do you read, King James or The Kuran?

if you're doubting what I'm saying, read Romans 8, it talks about how
the Holy Spirit frees us from our natural sin. I have read excerpts form
the Koran, but do not know how you could've gotten what i said from it...

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by FooAtar » Mon, 05 Sep 2005 17:01:06

>> Their is no God.  If their was why does he let inocent people die
>> day, when ***s and rapist are still here and sometimes walk freely?
>> Thats just one in a long list of why their is no god IMO. I have my
>> personal reasons to though.

>> If their is a God hes one sick bastard...

> is that really your basis for why their isnt a God? see... God tests
> faith by giving people their own free will while living on this
> and by doing so people developed themselves into ***ers, rapists and
> such... it is too easy to lose faith and say "there is no God"...
> reading the Bible is a good start to understanding why God does some of
> the things He does.

Piss off!  My Grandparents, both devoted christians. Regularly went to
church, didnt drink or smoke.  Both died a long and slow death from
Cancer, my Grandfathers was particulary bad.  If thats way he treats his
"believers" then send me to hell.

Me myself as a ***ager (again I didnt drink or smoke) have had suffered
both a Liver Transplant (I was 16) and Brain Tumor (21).  Their are
people who have had a worse time of it than that, but what did I do to
deserve that, and many other people have done nothing to deserve what
happened to them, far worse than what has happened to me.

But I dont belive in Heaven or Hell.  I belive in Evolution not Adamn and
Eve, we have proof one none of the other.

Religion is responsible for most wars due to religious beliefs and
fanatacism(sp) IMO also.

I just dont have time for it.  I dont have a problem with what you
beliefs just dont ram it down my through.

Sorry, but this is a touchy subject for me.

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New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Mattinglyfa » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 01:43:49

>>> Their is no God.  If their was why does he let inocent people die every
>>> day, when ***s and rapist are still here and sometimes walk freely?
>>> Thats just one in a long list of why their is no god IMO. I have my
>>> personal reasons to though.

>>> If their is a God hes one sick bastard...

>> is that really your basis for why their isnt a God? see... God tests
>> faith by giving people their own free will while living on this earth...
>> and by doing so people developed themselves into ***ers, rapists and
>> such... it is too easy to lose faith and say "there is no God"... reading
>> the Bible is a good start to understanding why God does some of the
>> things He does.

> What version do you read, King James or The Kuran?

The Koran is its own book.  The King James is a version of the Bible.  Two
different things.
Micheal Smit

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Micheal Smit » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 22:22:04

ROTFL!  Ah this is too rich....yes read that book of mythological tales,
that'll clear everything up.  You Homo Sapien Sapiens really crack me up.


Micheal Smit

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Micheal Smit » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 22:27:38

Not your opinion, a well documented fact.  While I don't think one can claim
that religion has played a leading role in most wars, it sure has been at
the centre of some of the longest and most destructive in our history.  And
it is still the driving force in most conflicts that are occurring today in
Africa.  And who can forget the wonderful Protestant - Catholic tussle in


Dave Henri

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Dave Henri » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:44:42

  Unless you boys can bring this back into the REAL world of Simming and
not a discussion of Mythology or Religion, then please do so with private
emails or on some other forum.  

Dave Henrie
(note the capitals...that means I meanIT!)

Micheal Smit

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Micheal Smit » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 11:22:23

Relax Alice!


Dave Henri

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Dave Henri » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 13:03:42

  very relaxed Mike  Just there have been so many off topic threads lately
and yes even I have instigated one  so don"t worry I am waay more than
relaxed  now do the rest of the group a favor and go private  God knows we
have plenty of serious topics to argue about

dave <no punctuation cuz I held this damn right_shift key down too long>

Fred Like

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Fred Like » Thu, 08 Sep 2005 01:05:01

>> Religion is responsible for most wars due to religious beliefs and
>> fanatacism(sp) IMO also.

> Not your opinion, a well documented fact.  While I don't think one can
> claim
> that religion has played a leading role in most wars, it sure has been at
> the centre of some of the longest and most destructive in our history.
> And
> it is still the driving force in most conflicts that are occurring today
> in
> Africa.

Not religion, but secondary.  It's a land war, not religion.

How is that religious?  It's secondary aspects of the groups and political

Micheal Smit

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Micheal Smit » Thu, 08 Sep 2005 22:22:46

...and yet the two sides are conveniently separated along religious lines as

...see above...


Fred Like

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Fred Like » Fri, 09 Sep 2005 00:07:02

That's a logical falicy to then assume it's a religious war.  Kind of a
silly assumption at that.

see above.

Micheal Smit

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Micheal Smit » Tue, 13 Sep 2005 04:25:59

> That's a logical falicy to then assume it's a religious war.  Kind of a
> silly assumption at that.

...that would be true, however the fact that they are split along religious
lines and that their religious leaders call for holy war leaves little doubt
as to what fuels these wars.

Read todays paper about the protestant parade.

Bruce Kennewel

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:36:24

I'm curious. Why do you spell your name "Micheal"?


Fred Like

New Orleans deserves this hurricane

by Fred Like » Wed, 14 Sep 2005 06:33:22

What fuels these wars isn't religion.  Do you think people were fighting for
religion when they crashed into the WTC?

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