>> Their is no God. If their was why does he let inocent people die
>> day, when ***s and rapist are still here and sometimes walk freely?
>> Thats just one in a long list of why their is no god IMO. I have my
>> personal reasons to though.
>> If their is a God hes one sick bastard...
> is that really your basis for why their isnt a God? see... God tests
> faith by giving people their own free will while living on this
> and by doing so people developed themselves into ***ers, rapists and
> such... it is too easy to lose faith and say "there is no God"...
> reading the Bible is a good start to understanding why God does some of
> the things He does.
Piss off! My Grandparents, both devoted christians. Regularly went to
church, didnt drink or smoke. Both died a long and slow death from
Cancer, my Grandfathers was particulary bad. If thats way he treats his
"believers" then send me to hell.
Me myself as a ***ager (again I didnt drink or smoke) have had suffered
both a Liver Transplant (I was 16) and Brain Tumor (21). Their are
people who have had a worse time of it than that, but what did I do to
deserve that, and many other people have done nothing to deserve what
happened to them, far worse than what has happened to me.
But I dont belive in Heaven or Hell. I belive in Evolution not Adamn and
Eve, we have proof one none of the other.
Religion is responsible for most wars due to religious beliefs and
fanatacism(sp) IMO also.
I just dont have time for it. I dont have a problem with what you
beliefs just dont ram it down my through.
Sorry, but this is a touchy subject for me.
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