> > I have a Gateway P-133mhz, 17inchCrstalscan, 16 mb, Intense
> > 3d100(verite). Waiting for the Monster to get here. anyway, my
> question.
> > With the way ICRII looks (good) and so on. What would adding another
> 16
> > mb of RAM do for me? Better graphics, smoother gameplay or what?
> Thanks
> > Tony Gaylord - Tony Gaylord
> Tony,
> Mainly longer replays. The ram won't help you much for other aspects
> of
> the game's performance, but I'd still recommend you buy it if you can
> (it's so inexpensive now, you'd better jump on it while it's low). It
> will help you run just about everything in Windows 95 faster.
> God Bless,
> Steve
I made another experience... was running with a P100 and 16 MB and added
32 MBBefore it was awful...(all detail of for a smooth play) now i'm
just playing it with every texture on in VGA-mode
640kb ought to be enough ---Bill Gatez 1981
Hiroshima '45 Chernobyl '86 Windows '95
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