such luck). No matter really as i got it for 39.95...5 bucks less than EB had
it listed for. I definately like this sim. I mean i like N3 and GPL is still
the ultmate sim...but this just seems to me the most fun of them all. Maybe
because I love the nostalgic feel added to several tracks previously
unavailable from Papyrus. It did for N3 what the trucks did for N99....gave
you a choice of what to run plus more tracks. The Physics model in NL seems a
little better than the N3 model (I thought they were the same?) I can actually
"feel" the car roll in the corners and the nose dive under braking. I guess it
might also be due to the higher ride height in 1970. The best part
though...Riverside. Ive spend more time there than any track so far. Mostly
because its such a beast to get a handle on. My best lap so far is only a Well off the pace...but i have fun every lap. Roaring up throught
the esses, streaking down the long back stretch then getting *** the
binders for turn 9...its a real rush. Only thing i wish they included was a
full 1970 carset...but im sure someone will make some cars to fill out the
field. Hell i might even give it a go...anyone got pictures?