I've just got a special edition of PC Format (in the UK) The PC Format
Gold, special racing games edition, spring 1998.
They have an interview with Geoff Crammond (God), in which he clearly
states GP3 is on the cards, WHOOOooaaaaHhhhoooaaawwww!!!!
He states he is not about to start GP3 from scratch, but he is going
to continue to add to and refine the code used in GP2.
No real details about GP3 were discussed, no release dates, or new
features that might be incorporated, but he did mention that he was
interested in what 3D cards are capable of, and GP3 will remain a sim,
not an arcade type game.
The interview talks mainly about his past, but at least now we know
for definite, GP3 *is* on the way.
BTW, this editon of PC Format is a great read, has loads on all the
old driving games, and all the new, well worth shelling out for I
thought? and I don't normally buy PC Format either!
They also had a preview of Grand Prix Legends, which looks awesome,
and the "in car" view now has *proper* drivers arms, not the planks of
wood that were featured in earlier previews! (release date stated as
April in the UK?)
*Peter* 8-)