It all depends on how many bugs have been fixed.
Please Simbin, give as remote administration (now: vnc or some other means
to setup the server before each race!) and fix the bugs (speedbug,
weather(?) bug, pacecar bugs)! Then we would be in the right ballpark.
Mika Takala
>> racemore has details
> It all depends on how many bugs have been fixed.
> Please Simbin, give as remote administration (now: vnc or some other
> means to setup the server before each race!) and fix the bugs
> (speedbug, weather(?) bug, pacecar bugs)! Then we would be in the
> right ballpark.
> --
> Mika Takala
The server operates identically to the dedicated server provided in earlier
versions of GTR, with the following exceptions:
1. It does not require the game CD to be inserted before running.
2. It does not require a Direct3D compatible video card to run.
3. It includes extended options to enable practice/qualifying/warmup
sessions to be configured (i.e. enabled/disabled and to specify their
length in minutes).
4. It supports a +auto command line option, which will start the server in
immediate hosting mode, using the last settings configured. N.B. When used
in this mode, and live reporting is enabled, the server will still prompt
for FTP details. You can automate this step by including a text file in the
GTR directory called "GTR_Reporter.exe.FTP" - a sample is included with
this update.
Also note that this version of the dedicated server has been significantly
optimised to support multiple hosting instances on a single machine.
> Please Simbin, give as remote administration (now: vnc or some other means
> to setup the server before each race!) and fix the bugs (speedbug,
> weather(?) bug, pacecar bugs)! Then we would be in the right ballpark.
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61