> I always play N2 using the***pit view. After the 3dfx patch my framerate
> increased, but only by a small amount. Just screwing around today, I pressed
> f-10 to get the exterior view and was amazed at the performance ---- smooth as
> silk. Before 3dfx this was just the opposite, but for some reason with the
> 3dfx patch my framerate is WAY smoother using the exterior view as compared to
> the***pit view. Has anyone else noticed this and does anyone have an idea
> why this is the case? You would think the***pit view would be smoother, but
> this is definently not the case for me.
this is a fairly well known (among programming circles) issue to
do with car sims and the like on 3dfx chips. having to copy the
whole***pit image into the picture for every single frame creates
a very large performance hit, which is why you notice such an
improvement from outside views. for instance, in Cart Precision Racing
the difference in frame rate with the***pit on and off was something
like 16fps to 24fps on my old P166 with Pure3D. F1RS has a very
small***pit, and so causes minimal frame rate loss.
I can think of a couple of ways of rendering the screen to reduce
this problem, and would hope that they improve this aspect for the
final patch.
I'm actually rather happy with the patch as it is - for some reason
i get a much better feeling of the car now, the frame rate has
improved a bit for me, and it looks better too!