Truck Series add-on for Nascar2. The moderator said this not a "regular"
poster. Any of you that know Papyrus guys want to fill us in?
IMHO, Papy's (or Sierra/Cendant) would be wise to look to the future,
instead of beating a dead-horse...N3 will make them attractive to any
and all potential buyers (should they decide to sell), and NASCAR
Racing is their cash-cow.
> The motorsports message board at says there will be a Craftsman
> Truck Series add-on for Nascar2. The moderator said this not a "regular"
> poster. Any of you that know Papyrus guys want to fill us in?
> Brian
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
> Not confirmed one way or another, but Papy had mentioned an interest
> several months back (late '97 as I remember), but considering the
> current development of GPL, the swing-over to their next sim (N3),
> not to mention the recent Cendant fiasco, raises some doubts about
> whether we'll ever see such a patch. EB apparently has a CTR patch
> on an October schedule, but I personally think it's been shelved...
> IMHO, Papy's (or Sierra/Cendant) would be wise to look to the future,
> instead of beating a dead-horse...N3 will make them attractive to any
> and all potential buyers (should they decide to sell), and NASCAR
> Racing is their cash-cow.
> Cheers!
> Marc
David Martin
Director of IVL
Producer of RaceSet
> > Not confirmed one way or another, but Papy had mentioned an interest
> > several months back (late '97 as I remember), but considering the
> > current development of GPL, the swing-over to their next sim (N3),
> > not to mention the recent Cendant fiasco, raises some doubts about
> I for one don't see N2 as a dead horse if that's what you meant. N2, in
> my opinion is what N1 should have been to start with. It can stand on
> its own and will be used for years to come by lots of people who can't
> afford to upgrade their system yet. I'm sure N3 will be great for those
> I for one don't see N2 as a dead horse if that's what you meant.
Not really...When N1 was released, it was already way-ahead of just
about everything else out there (graphics wise), and set some other
new milestones in gameplay...N2, on the other hand, wasn't a big
enough step forward - and IMHO was more of a step backwards...
ICR2 had already dazzled everyone with Rendition, and 3Dfx was a hot
ticket for the future. Papyrus may have been caught off gaurd in
regards to 3Dfx, but the N2-Rendition port was a mess and never
properly "fixed" (anti-alaising for one). Had Mike Newhall (Papy
Rendition guru) remained on the payroll, or perhaps if Rendition
had helped out more, N2 *might* have turned out beautifully.
Funny...the same system-upgrade-argument is used whenever a new sim
hits the streets, and probably why many still run N1.
Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
> Oh, and to add to my own comments, I believe Papyrus/Sierra/"whoever"
> should seriously think about adding a track editor for N2.
Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *